
Does the job own you?

Does the job own you? Some of you may quickly turn around and say but we don't have a job. The idea is not job. Idea is that does responsibility or commitment to things own you? I understand that being a twenty gets to be another era because of the word 'growing up'...

Need a desk to work on?

I read this in an article that in your mid-twenty you begin to crave for a desk to work. The whole idea of work gets attached to having a desk. And suddenly I realised it is true in my case. I need a desk to write, to read often. The idea is not to have a desk and...

Make mistakes. Lots of them.

In the rush of growing up we often forget where we are heading to. And in due course fumble, fall pick ourselves up and move on. Slowly this starts to become a regular pattern and we of course being humans wish to evolve or learn from our mistakes. And the first...

Has it gotten very lonely?

Mid-twenties are like a bad party hangover. The sudden rush of being a teen and then entering twenty is followed by a large phase of lull. Almost everything has been done and over with. In most cases associated with some bad experiences. And the good ones come with a...

Kewl is not Cool!

Because 'ma' friend, suddenly the world has changed. Yes what was kewl last decade is not cool today. Identity crisis is one of the initial symptoms of being a mid-twenty. You are neither there nor here. Parents often treat you as a kid when they feel they should and...