
Marriage is not an ideal decision #MondayMusings

There is a common thread that has been going circles in my head for a while now. Finding yourself in adversity. And today I discovered a new facet of it. Finding yourself despite adversity. No. It doesn't mean the same. Not all noise is music. In same way not all...

29 ‘Life is too short’ lessons at 29

Twenty nine. *sits back and watches the number again* Okay so there is no denying it. Especially on a birthday night. What? You may now ask. That thirty is the new twenty! Obviously. Or so we would like to believe. From now on. Period. What did I do today? Yes you can...

Who’s your daddy?

In death people gain a very strong sense of halo. And I can speak that from a very personal experience. Most of the times you have seen me writing about my mother over this space. Her ideas, her experiences her life. But it is the surviving parent that finds no space...

For the love of #blogging #MondayMusings

No one. I repeat no one should bear the brunt of a working Sunday. Especially those who already get to suffer through a six day working schedule. So yes! Today we went to work. Sunday. Day that the sun does down somewhere and comes out only a Monday. And colored blue....

#RaiseYourVoices Against #Communal Sentiments

52 years is a long time. One witnesses plenty things. Many moments. For few even a lifetime. And then one fine day a group of people walk in your home. With pistols, knives and flying fists. And kill you. Leave your son critically injured. Yes, on 28th September this...