And of all the parlors of the world she walked into mine

Journeys. Life. Books and more.


Rolling Stone gathers company. To trips many and adventures funny. Find connections uncanny


Because real life gets boring And those characters keep bursting out. Of course Tyler has a life I need to write about 🙂

Funny Bone

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? A: Because it might crack up! You will not read jokes like these here. you will get worse 😀


It happens when you least expect it. Most regret it. And often when you never see it. Here’s my own bit…

Fresh from the blog

Humari Society ka Chowkidar

It all started in May 2014, when we were looking for a new Chowkidar ( Society Manager)  for our Society. We had seen a lot of applications and the one that majority of us liked was that of a man who promised to work day and night for us. Whose experience included a...

Three years of Blogchatter and Counting

When I was growing up my grandmother (my nani jee) firmly believed that I would be the one who would make name for family legacy. She believed it so much that an eight year old me decided that I deserved no less than a national holiday on my birthday in times to come....

Why Prince of Galle is a Must Try Place in Sri Lanka

One of my pet peeves about five star hotels is that they all look exactly the same as the next one. And that in itself sounds like a waste of money to me. So whenever we plan our travels, one thing we attempt through our journey is to discover hotels or home stays...