And of all the parlors of the world she walked into mine

Journeys. Life. Books and more.


Rolling Stone gathers company. To trips many and adventures funny. Find connections uncanny


Because real life gets boring And those characters keep bursting out. Of course Tyler has a life I need to write about ๐Ÿ™‚

Funny Bone

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? A: Because it might crack up! You will not read jokes like these here. you will get worse ๐Ÿ˜€


It happens when you least expect it. Most regret it. And often when you never see it. Here’s my own bit…

Fresh from the blog

I had met my match

Before you start on this post I would recommend you to do some reference reading here--> My true Story It so happened that all my relationships ( a total of two before the 'relationship') started with my favourite words, "I am only dating you, the idea of...


I cannot believe I survived it. Yes! I am an A to Z Challenge winner or as they would like to say survivor ๐Ÿ˜€ Anything and everything that could go wrong this time, did. I of course moved to Pune but that was part of my plan. What wasn't part of my plan was, zero...

Choose Your own battles.

* a post written previously for my newsletter, showcasing it here* I want to thank Vidya Sury to have given me the wonderful happiness quote which is. Happiness is a DIY project. And today we discuss how a happy mid-twenty needs to choose his or her battles well. Is...