And of all the parlors of the world she walked into mine

Journeys. Life. Books and more.


Rolling Stone gathers company. To trips many and adventures funny. Find connections uncanny


Because real life gets boring And those characters keep bursting out. Of course Tyler has a life I need to write about 🙂

Funny Bone

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? A: Because it might crack up! You will not read jokes like these here. you will get worse 😀


It happens when you least expect it. Most regret it. And often when you never see it. Here’s my own bit…

Fresh from the blog

Good Times Don’t Last, Neither do Good People #BlogchatterA2Z

What is forgiveness? No I mean it - what is forgiveness? It is the art of lying flat in front of those you have hurt and pray they let go of that one mistake. But when that mistake is not single and those you have hurt are strangers who read your blog - well you just...

The Futterwacken Dance #BlogchatterA2Z

Yesterday my Dad said something to me that broke my heart and then healed back to further cement my resolve. He said 'the atmosphere in India is getting too weirdly sensitive, you need to start toeing a line on what you speak'. For two seconds I couldn't bring myself...

Endgame #BlogchatterA2Z

The idea of a free write is very simple. You think of all the things your brain is processing and you write them as and when it flows until it reaches about 500 words. The censor you usually exercise has to be sent on a brief holiday and the reader's sensibility has...