And of all the parlors of the world she walked into mine

Journeys. Life. Books and more.


Rolling Stone gathers company. To trips many and adventures funny. Find connections uncanny


Because real life gets boring And those characters keep bursting out. Of course Tyler has a life I need to write about 🙂

Funny Bone

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? A: Because it might crack up! You will not read jokes like these here. you will get worse 😀


It happens when you least expect it. Most regret it. And often when you never see it. Here’s my own bit…

Fresh from the blog

Would you like you, if you met you? #Blogchatter prompt

Everything that I write is a kind of battle won—or lost—against silence and incoherence—Geoffrey Hill Over the last few years what I have missed the most about my writing is honesty. The idea that I could speak my mind through words. Maybe because the blog got noticed...

No exclamation mark. Free Write Again #MondayMusings

Yes. After three drafts backspaced. And a lot of thoughts shelved. We shall tonight create on this blog a... Free Write! Sorry please scrap the exclamation mark. We are in no mood of this kind. But what mood are we then? That we should write more fiction. Fiction....

Happy Days #Blogchatter Prompt

All I wanted was to sing. To scream and shout. But alas the doors on the house asked me to remain inside. And inside was a life not conducive to these dreams. There was a man whom we called 'abba' and a woman whom he called just about anything. There were a few others...