Reality TV Shows with a bit of twist
Entertainment. Entertainment. Entertainment. And some sleaze and drama and perhaps a little bit of fun. I would say that's all what's needed to hook on the poor soul of a viewer onto your channel. In a world where TRPs rules and content takes second place to that what...
Pappu Diwas

So it was today that a great boy was born some odd forty two years back. The stress is on boy because well lets face it Rahul Gandhi has a long way to become a man for India. And it was his birthday! People of India in honour of their future PM congress candidate...
Bond and Blonde- When I grow up
Comic number 6: Please click on the picture if need better clarity Bond and Blonde is a recently initiated series of comic strips on the blog. Just in case you have missed the past four please find them here (would help understand the theme as well): Bond and...
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Marriage
I am a married man and writing all these things can be dangerous to my life. But after marriage taking risk has now became part of me. Let’s start with how your life changes once you are married. We often dream that we are still bachelors. Atleast I do. Then just to...
Bond and Blonde-The right direction
Comic strip no 5Please click on the picture if need better clarity Bond and Blonde is a recently initiated series of comic strips on the blog. Just in case you have missed the past four please find them here...