But who am I kidding – what is even finding yourself in a non-pandemic life.
And yet the Pandemic has put complete microscopic focus on our ways in current times. For example, I have concluded I don’t do well with ambiguous situations. My husband I have understood now is far more extrovert than I ever thought he is – he constantly misses meeting people and going to pubs with me.
My sister is a fabulous chef and safe to say the genetics of my mother’s cooking brain has been passed on to her.
My father is a lot more calm in such situations and takes everything very well in his stride. Something that we really need on bad work days.
Modi jee though is as clueless about governance as he was before. Thank God some things don’t change even with Pandemic.
Of course this is a free write, and there is no way I am going to even drop a decibel on my political incorrectness – we need to question and get them to work a whole lot more now.
Moving on.
But the truth is beyond these one line statements on our personalities, this crisis has also put forth a larger question on our ways. The in-sustainability of our times.
Never have we seen death so close to our eyes. Never have we experienced a complete disorder to our ways. And most importantly, never have we taken such an overwhelming journey into hindsight – if you are wondering what that is, you can also check the #Throwback stream on Instagram – it will get you nothing except for blue skies, beautiful smiles and travel stories.
Now that we have introduced Instagram, I will take this opportunity to share my future with you, the IGTV Video space which will see me talk A LOT. And of course hopefully become a celebrity through it. Sign a movie. Hand over Blogchatter to Vikas. Get stardom in Bollywood. Rise with drugs and alcohol. Get into a rehab. Feel remorse. Come back to Vikas. Take over Blogchatter. MAKE AN IGTV Video about this – get book deals, movie contracts – get back into Bollywood. And die.
Anyway, click please?
On a more serious note, this pandemic has made me realise that all I ever wanted to be was a writer. I quit my job. I started Blogchatter. I figured a house closer to the greens (plus out of Mumbai forever) and chirping birds – because I wanted to write. And while I did build Blogchatter from scratch up – my writing suffered.
So here I am. Re-starting a popular section of my blog – Monday Musings. But this time in a new avatar – Sunday Writings.
Until next time, take care. Stay safe. Cook healthy. And don’t forget to add hashtags on the post while sharing on Instagram – it helps.

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