I had Maggi for lunch today. I don’t know why but I just had to tell you guys this. Partly because I feel guilty and partly because somehow in between fancy lunch scenes on Instagram, I do feel like a rebel. And Rebel is all I have since 1986. If you don’t believe me, ask my dad – he will show you a hairless head to prove it too.
Speaking of troubled men in my lives, my husband dropped the Coronavirus bomb on me last night. He has now forbid me from sharing any information (or even reddit memes) around the subject. I don’t know what brought this about – I was only updating him on the end of the world through an information overload of live stream. There was no need for him to break down like that – but given his extreme reaction I have decided to stop updating him on Coronavirus now. There is this new virus we can all talk about – Covid – 19. *loophole*
But really I cannot be the only one obsessed with this insane need to read more and more about the crisis? Perhaps it is the nerd in me that believes that there is no problem that cannot be solved by reading and researching enough. Except of course Instagram algorithm – for that no amount of reading will help. Shedding a few clothes off? Oh works like magic. *runs*
I also judged myself for that last statement, so you can please stop batting your eyes.
I often wonder if the concept of Judgement Day was truly about the world’s end or perhaps the world reaching a point where everyone or everything will be judged. Because if it is later then we have entered judgement day since 1990 – the birth of the internet as we know it. Allowing strangers everywhere this extreme power to decide what we feel about our lives on an average day. A two thousand likes on our profile picture? We must be Goddesses. Twenty down votes on the Youtube video – we better put on more danger to our lives next time.
The first time I got the internet was somewhere around 1998 – a large computer and a printer was installed in my house’s basement. And the keys to that door were handed to me. Who knew I will lead a life of sin after that? Under the garb of general knowledge projects, I buffered songs, met random strangers on Yahoo Chat rooms and of course every now and then prayed I stumbled upon my cute neighbour online. THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
Nowadays they call it online dating and pretend it is a fancy app doing the work of God for them. These millennials, I tell you. For the record I am a millennial. Actually I am a Gen X inside the body of a millennial – like I look hot but feel old.
I don’t know to explain. I write deep but look good. I type fast but feel slow. I need Instagram likes but love Twitter more.
You know?

For those new to the place, a free write is something where you write whatever comes to your mind until about 500 words and then you put the pen down. It helps if you have a central theme in mind – it is in all seriousness a great tool to better your overall writing style. All of April you shall be exposed to this nuclear radiation, better strap up the googles.
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