Dear Nobody,

I am sitting on my bed. Watching a blank screen. Have backspaced close to three drafts already. Another one is sitting in dashboard which has all heavy words and jargon. Not in the mood to publish that tonight.

You tell me how has life been? They say there is a lot of spotlight on you off late. They say, not me. To my mind you are still a nobody. But let’s make tonight about me. What I want to write. What I want to feel.

What I want to feel.

It has been a long time since I said that out loud. Following a life pattern which barely sees me breathe on certain days I forget there is me. A me who needs to unwind. Who wants to post a free write despite all good sense in her head. A me who when seesΒ people around her pretend they are right, barfs in her head.

Remember we had decided, 20-16 is the year to be honest with people. To tell people what you think of them. Of things they do to you especially. Cut out negativity with honesty.


Let’s write it down again, what say?

Cut out negativity with honesty.

And that includes so many things. We stopped tweeting politics and religions because it was getting crazy thanks to trolls. We stopped tweeting about a lot of blogging things because people took offence.

People take offence and how!Β 

But we survived. It is 21st Feb. We have decided. You and me. The two nobodies giving company to each other on a lonely night. We shall see this year through on the other side. Pushing away people who are more interested in what you are doing than create their own list.

We will do it in style. And swag.

Swag now. That’s a word we both love.

What else do we love?


We love people with good intent

We love communities which strive to grow together

We love ideas that fall on heads at midnight and create results early morning

We love mornings

We love nights with lots of chai

We love company which laughs together

We love company which gives profits πŸ˜€

We love messages from strangers telling us they believe in us

We love phone calls from friends ready with a supporting hand

We love when things fall in place

We love when bad omens fall out of place

We love when we can have a cup of tea

We love when we can two cups of tea

We love when we can have two cups of tea and someone to share with

We love everybody

We love nobody


Ah! Caught you. Obviously writing a free write here. Waiting for the magical 500 to strike us here.

But really can you imagine a life where we work on a pattern close to free write?

Or are we already living it?

If tonight you were to tell me how your life is in terms of writing, what would it be? Poetry? Fiction?

Mine is a free write.



Connecting it with #MondayMusingsΒ 

Also connecting it with #Blogchatter Prompt where the week’s prompt is ‘letter’.

Blogchatter started off as a weekly twitter chat on Blogging and is now a growing blogging community. Join us every Wednesday at 8.30 PM IST to experience the madness!


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