All of a sudden we find ourselves on the other side of twenty five and using the word ‘but’ every now and then in life.

I wanted to be more successful but..
I planned on buying a bigger car but..
Middle ground of twenties instantly starts to look like a half yearly assessment result. Your efforts had been plenty but somehow the marks received went awry.
Well for starters no life is not a report card and thank god for it. 

It is what I would like to call a balance sheet. 
Remove the ‘buts’ right now and start to stress upon the ‘I did’. 
Write down three things that you received or achieved which you hadn’t planned or expected. And spent two minutes on them each day.
My three such things are
I never imagined I would maintain a blog which would receive so much love and affection of readers and friends alike
I had never planned on an early marriage which I still say is one of the best decisions of my life
I had almost forgotten what was it like to be dependent on somebody, my husband came and changed all of that.
Writing down these things help you discover a new meaning to your life. Suddenly all these years look to be well spent and in fact become spring boards in welcoming the next thirty!
In the comments I would love to hear what is it that you think you got as a surprise package from life today. What made you realise that growing up or growing old is nothing but something to be only thankful about.
Officially kicking off the wonderful A-Z blogging challenge.If you are taking part in A-Z blogging challenge this April, then do leave your blog link in comments, will surely link it up with my posts. Thanks!

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A quick Update:

Also taking part in #Indie30 project is me! You can read all about it here.

Their topic today was “When, where, what, and with who is the story of your travel origin?”.

I would like to say it started with my lovely parents. Yes the idea of discovering places was something I learnt early in life.

That is me 🙂 and my parents on my first birthday!

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