In the rush of growing up we often forget where we are heading to. And in due course fumble, fall pick ourselves up and move on. Slowly this starts to become a regular pattern and we of course being humans wish to evolve or learn from our mistakes.

And the first learning we get is to stop making mistakes. We lose the sense of impulsiveness or readiness to take on the world as it is.

But this is not who we are, right? Again like I have been doing in the past I will add a thought.

The depression we experiencing while entering thirties or forties is not that we are going old. But that we are losing the sense of being alive. Our life suddenly looks like a bed of thorned follies and one which we vow never to make again.

But aren’t then also the same who make us who we are today.

When we decide to stop making mistakes a part of us dies, the part that is the inventor the Lenardo of our times and it is this which makes us feel old.

Hence the moral of the story is ‘ Don’t stop making mistakes. They are what you will be left with when all your stories of life have been told over and over again. And they will be the ones that cause most memories to come back.”

Yes of course which mistakes have forever been a part of my life 😀

The idea of giving free ka gyaan to people. I am forever preaching things. It backfires a lot of times. But in one of those rare moments it changes someone’s life and it gets all worth it!

What is it that you decided should remain with you, no matter how flawed?

If you are taking part in A-Z blogging challenge this April, then do leave your blog link in comments, will surely link it up with my posts. Thanks!

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