We have now reached the third day in our journey of discovering the mid twenty.

Why his tough stance and rather dry aroma looked more enticing in a party and not when you actually needed an emotional support in real time. Or her super hot look attracting you from all corners became too much to handle when the same sense prevailed at all times, and on all men.

By the time you are past twenty five you know this:

Chasing a dream partner is better than living with one.

And along with this thought comes feelings of regret, dejection and the sorrow of having loved and lost.

True love is not perfect love, but love that finds you to be happy. 

In your run up to the dreaded thirty remember the following

Love is what you make of it
Your partner like you is also finding faults in you
No relationships is an offset of one person but two
The more you grow old the more you will need love
True love is flawed
The more you go old the more flawed you get

What do you think about love? Have you found your dream love? Your thoughts on getting old and love?
If you are taking part in A-Z blogging challenge this April, then do leave your blog link in comments, will surely link it up with my posts. Thanks!

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