The past two weekends have been good to me. Last one saw me going to Delhi where I had a lot of fun meeting sister and college friends. And the recently finished one saw me meeting my aunt in Kanpur, another fun filled two days. So as a way to perhaps balance my bad karma, this week I have a saturday working. Yes you heard me right, it is how many people have started defining catastrophe, SIX DAY WORKING.

Moving on, to top all this, I am undergoing one of my worst writer’s block. Come to think about it I haven’t even read much and hence a reader’s block may well be on its way. 
What else? What is happening in my life? 
I am working with a few fellow bloggers to start a consolidated travel club for Indian travelers called the India travelers Club. It has so far been an exciting journey and the response has been quite good. 
I also started a twitter chat on blogging and reading blogs called #blogchatter. You can read more about it here.
Husband? You want to know about him too? Well he is sitting next to me right now and watching 500 days of summer. I envy him. He has all the time in the world to finish movies and TV series, I am forever swamped with work.
And speaking of entertainment, I am almost one month free from television now. Yay!!
I am going to abruptly finish this post here now, I cannot write more. Yes writer’s block gives you only a couple of minutes respite which have been used well (or so I think!).
Until next time, sayonara. Keep me and my dreaded writer’s block in your prayers 😐 
Connecting it to write tribe’s festival. Day three prompt being Free write.
                       *                                                *                                            *

Don’t forget to tune in to #blogchatter every Tuesday at Nine PM IST. To read more about this twitter chat you can click here.

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