Today is Monday!! Are you guys not excited to know the new theme? Well well, I am traveling and here I am sitting beside a cluttered table with my laptop on it and keying away!

Now we have come down to the last of the themes. From next week, we will start a fresh. I hope this season premiere of “I travel” to “I review” to “I believe” was a fun ride. 

Let’s explore what I mean by “I read”. In ‘I read’ I will and so will my guests, write on anything that can be read. And yes don’t restrict your imagination to only books. There will be very interesting ‘reads’ coming your way, I promise! 

Here we go, the first of the lot in the theme. 

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I am traveling as most of you know. I have stacked up six books for my nine days travel. And I have already managed to get over with my first read on day one. Yes I have already started eyeing bookshops on the go because I have a strange feeling my six might end before that flight from Trivandrum!

A while back Apoorva Kapoor (I wonder why I often use her whole name in blog!) recommended this book called, “Mister God this is Anna” by Fynn. I had instantly purchased it but somehow in my long list of reads it came a little late. And boy was I surprised!

I almost raced through it in flight with hardly forty pages left for hotel room. I wish I could say it is something I have never read before. Because I have. If any of you have read, “Curious case of dog in the night time” the you will find similar shades in this. But having said that I would also agree it is different and has its own version of things.

I would also say it has dealt with religion and God more profusely and interestingly as compared to any other book I have read so far.

An eight year homeless girl when adopted by Fynn changes his entire way of looking at life and religion. Her simple anecdotes will make you smile, her out of the world theology astound you and yes the end will make you wee bit sad.

I am not giving any spoilers or reviews, but this book, which by the way is a true account of Fynn’s friendship with Anna, is a must read for all. Irrespective of what genre you like, this one will hold some meaning for each one.

Two of the quotes that gives you an insight as to how Anna thinks about life.

β€œIf I was the only one I wouldn’t be littler or bigger, would I? I’d be just me, wouldn’t I?”

β€œin the dark you have to describe yourself. In the daylight other people describe you.”

And we also have a new logo!! Again designed by darling husband Vikas Agarwal πŸ™‚

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