I was only twenty four when my husband (then boyfriend)
started to introduce the topic of ‘marriage’. The commitment phobic in me ran.
Here I was frightened of any real, committed long term relationship per se and
the tabooed ‘M’ word had already entered.
But I loved him, a lot. And things were such (read parental
pressures) that marriage was imperative.
I got married on 8th February at tender age of
twenty five.

It changed my life in best of ways. I was proved wrong on
all counts. My apprehensions were unfounded. It was, what I always say, a
blessing in disguise.
In the act of it 😛
This post has been written as a part of Write Tribe’s 100 words on a Saturday. The prompt is A blessing in disguise. And this has been given by one and only drabble queen Shilpa Garg.
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