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I had to writeFive things I believe in. I ended with only four. Did I realise what I had done? Only when my friend Sid pointed out, very innocently, in the comments section. I was left with quite a few choices.
Unpublish it add another point and update the post. Or perhaps change the title to proclaim, “Four things I believe in”.
And then my eyes fell on the lacklustre header of my blog. Quietly asking me ‘why did you not change me when you had realised your mistake back then’.
The missing ‘o’ of “The Philospher’s Stone” danced in front of me.
People make mistakes and mistakes make people.
The story is that my friend Parv Kaushik had a very active blog back in 2009, my college fourth year. And he suggested I make one too, since I used to write. After about a week of creating the blog, did I notice the missing ‘o’. Some people had already found my writing decent, friends had referred blog to their friends and in my heart very slowly that misspelled ‘Philospher’s Stone’ had found permanent space.
It suddenly started to look more and more like a part of the flawed me.
Like anyone I am not perfect. I have my more than fair share of mistakes, shortcomings and they all together define who I am. I was very good in mathematics but often missed a perfect ten or a hundred. Reason being I was always more bothered about discovering new methods besides the one mentioned in textbooks and ended up making quite a few careless mistakes.
My teachers used to be pained seeing how I had done splendidly well in the paper but missed a few marks due to carelessness. But mother used to feel very proud. She always patted my back for trying out different things.
And it is a known thing, until you make mistakes you have not really tried new things.
A road less travelled is often the road to heaven.
So coming back to that post which says it has five points but contains only four, I found the mistake cute. A lovely reminder of who I really am. A brat. Who gets so excited trying out new things (here themes) that often goofs up on simple addition problems. And that my friend tells me that I have done well in life to stick to my guns. I didn’t let the big bad world tell me what mistakes to make. I continued with my addition issues.
And each time I read this “The Philospher’s Stone” I tell myself one day this missing ‘o’ will become legendary. One day Webster’s will change the spelling for philosopher (okay that is stretching it too much :D)
Honestly, looking back I now realise that if I had not made that spelling mistake it would forever be a blog named after the first book in the Harry Potter series. It would never really become wholeheartedly mine. But now that misssing ‘o’ has given it a new identity, it has made my blog a lot more mine and a lot less Rowling’s.
Owning a mistake is a lot more easier than owning perfection. While one is beginning, the other is end.

I love that last line! Awesome blog entry. 🙂
Thank you so much for appreciating it 🙂
I absolutely adore your message here. Amen, so be it, I am with you one thousand and one and more percent!
We unique ones need to remember to stick together always, always, always! I am so glad to visit from the Ultimate Blog Challenge facebook comment chain. I feel like it is my lucky day!
I am glad to Julie and yes we unique ones so rare to find need to stick together and not get lost. Thanks a lot for stopping by 🙂
I think the way you concluded when you realized that you are now distinct from J.K Rowling’s tome is wonderful!
Thanks Rochelle. Yes it took me time to finally put it that way though 🙂
Lovely post highlighting what you really believe in and it also gels beautifully well with your I believe theme for the week, doesn’t it?
Yes it does Jairam. And somewhere I am trying to bring in more insights through this…
oh Girl … I loved this post … i love the layers in your personality … all so unique and all so interesting …love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Love you too woman, And well I just love you, you are super unique and interesting. *mutual club expands* 😀
Well it’s only after running thru this post dat I realized my own folly. I had never noticed that missing o.
Because you are so overpowered by the amazing writing that you find here 😀 no? ?
I hadnt sen the missing O till u said i 😉 But really changing the spelling – O DQ!
hehe no changing the spelling now ever!! 😀 😀
Owning a mistake is a lot more easier than owning perfection. While one is beginning, the other is end. – That sums it up. And yes, once again, forgive me for being a prick and pointing it out:)
On second thoughts, your blog title / name is a testament to you how you adapt to your mistakes and always see the optimistic side of things. And to be honest, we should all take a leaf from your book, and realise that we make mistakes. But mistakes always do not necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. For you, the case of the missing “O” has now given you a separate identity than being another one of the thousands of fans who emulate the Harry Potter world. You are now brilliantly unique 🙂
No no not a prick re! I am brilliantly unique for the million reasons of this world (narcissism strikes!). But yes Sid I agree with you adapting to your mistakes is the first step towards a new beginning. I also feel they say charity begins at home, in the same way forgiveness also does. Forgive yourself for things you have done and move on…
Wonderfully philosophical post, Richa.. 🙂 and yes, you are right, trying something and making a mistake is far better than not trying at all.. 🙂
Thanks Vaisakh 🙂 Isnt it? And what is this life without trying and hence without mistakes 🙂
“A road less travelled is often the road to heaven.”…. Very true…
Loved this post to the end! There was a time when I felt bad for my imperfections, but now I embrace them and admitting that I was wrong seems to come without much trouble. Imperfections makes a person unique and mistakes leads to new discoveries.
“Owning a mistake is a lot more easier than owning perfection. While one is beginning, the other is end” ….. and ‘m taking this from this post to heart! 🙂
Imperfection makes a person unique and mistakes lead to new discoveries, how true Sheethal. That is so. Because if it wasn’t for our efforts there would be no life. And with efforts come mistakes….
Read this somewhere that the difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake. It is wonderful to know that you see opportunities even in your mistakes… to discover, to learn, to grow. Love the last line!
What a wonderful thought. Truly that should be a definite difference 🙂
Loved loved loved that last line. So true it is. I have made such mistakes too. How will one grow if they don’t make mistakes. Absolutely loved this post. 🙂
Yes they will not grow, learn and even live I would say…
Loved the post. Owning up to mistakes by citing your own example. Exemplary!
Thanks Brendan 🙂
I never noticed the missing ‘O’ 😮 May that missing ‘o’ your blog go legendary as you wish! 😀
Thanks a lot Anil such a sweet thought! Who doesn’t wish to be legendary 🙂
Cool new identity indeed, Richa, after discovering the identity, that is! Missing ‘o’ makes us go ‘OH’! 🙂
Accepting, changing if we can, and moving on is what we need to do! 🙂
haha yes that missing ‘o’ did give me an ‘Oh’ too 😛
Rightly said “A road less travelled is often the road to heaven.”. #Inspirational
Thanks Paresh 🙂
Enjoyed reading it!
Thanks beloo 🙂 I am happy you liked it 🙂
I always read your blog’s name as Philosopher’s Stone. Blame it on being a Harry Potter Fan. After reading your post I actually went up and checked it. 🙂
I agree with you people makes mistakes and Mistakes make people.
Most of the people tell me that 😛 but now you know my mistake 😀
Did you realize that nobody did notice the typo in your blog title? Infact everyone took it as your identity 🙂
Yes they didn’t. But unfortunately I always did 😀
I noticed the typo err, your branding after I read this post. Mistakes indeed make people. Keep up the addition issues;)
Haha yes I will make sure I continue the addition issues 😀
Awesome Post !!!
Thanks Veena 🙂
Mistakes make us – nice.
Thanks Tomichan 🙂