Comic strip no 5Please click on the picture if need better clarity 🙂
Bond and Blonde is a recently initiated series of comic strips on the blog.
Just in case you have missed the past four please find them here (would help understand the theme as well):
Bond and Blonde 1- Woman on Top
Bond and Blonde 2- Don’t spread rumours
Bond and Blonde 3- Settling down
Bond and Blonde 4- Quite close to the truth
lol! Happens!!
🙂 🙂 I know it does!
That guy is just like me .. there are times when I am so sure that I know the way but then somehow, it turns out that I was wrong (unfortunately, after a lot of walking)!! 🙂
Aah men and honesty this is quite something! 🙂 🙂
well thought Richa !! Very Nice !
thanks a lot 🙂
Hahaha damn!!
😀 😀
Oh Yes this is the case, I agree! 😀
(PS: Please turn off the word verification Richa.. that would be easy for us 🙂 )
your wish my command… I finally have turned it off now 🙂
🙂 🙂
Good one…never underestimate Woman…!!!
thats the essence yes!
hahahahah… no wonder it was a man on the space first…because they are so good with their directions 😛 😛
haha 😀 I like this one 🙂 🙂