Comic number 7
Please click on the picture if need better clarity 🙂
Bond and Blonde is a recently initiated series of comic strips on the blog.
Just in case you have missed the past four please find them here (would help understand the theme as well):
Bond and Blonde 1- Woman on Top
Bond and Blonde 2- Don’t spread rumours
Bond and Blonde 3- Settling down
Bond and Blonde 4- Quite close to the truth
Bond and Blonde 5- The right direction
Bond and Blonde 6- When I grow up
This is interesting! Have you created this series I mean the bond and the blonde? 🙂
yes I have tarang 🙂 I hope you liked it 🙂
It’s a bro thing. Not a waste of time!
ya right!
Ha ha ha, ya right! Oh really, good one 🙂
😀 😀
when guys do it.. they got to be right 😀
ya ya ya ya 😀
hey thats interesting
thanks Gowardhan 🙂
haha. thats funny and true !
I write poems and articles. It would be wonderful to get your feedback on my work –
🙂 🙂 and yes will visit your blog Madhavan 🙂
heheh.. bingo!
Guys are big time time wasters.
Love the doodle. 😀
thanks Namrota 😀
I Object, Bro Time is never Waste of Time.
Oh really! 😛 😛
and he has the gumption to say “I might be a femminist”! 🙂
We all have these around us dont we Sunil 🙂
Ha ha ha.He’s fit to be a feminist since he comes out plausible reasons.
😛 😛 Easwar ru one too then? 😀 😀
The guy himself is confused, whether he is a feminist or not and the poor girl smirks it away without a need to understand….
lol he aint confused dont get that! he is super confident!
Fell in his own trap:) good one
thanks Anjan 🙂
Interesting one Richa 🙂
Did u make them on !
i AM A BIG FAN OF THAT SITE . I made half baked head cartoons with the help of the same site