And of all the parlors of the world she walked into mine

Journeys. Life. Books and more.


Rolling Stone gathers company. To trips many and adventures funny. Find connections uncanny


Because real life gets boring And those characters keep bursting out. Of course Tyler has a life I need to write about 🙂

Funny Bone

Q: Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? A: Because it might crack up! You will not read jokes like these here. you will get worse 😀


It happens when you least expect it. Most regret it. And often when you never see it. Here’s my own bit…

Fresh from the blog

Grief in Times of Social Media

It has been a very bad week for me. It is only Tuesday. There was a young vivacious girl who I knew - a friend's cousin. I had never met her but we got connected over work and then like all natural next steps we followed each other on Instagram. Soon enough, we...

An Obituary to A Life not Written

A lot of what I have written through the years has often offered me a glimpse into my past life. Little notes scribbled with affirmations, schedules that had to be balanced minute by minute, skincare routine jotted down painstakingly and of course names of people who...

A Showreel of Good Things

My father always says that happy is the guy who has a bad memory. I have a fabulous memory. So obviously I am dismal on most days. My empty moments are filled with a showreel of bad times, in technicolour. In fact it has now reached a point where the good parts of my...